I understand/ Kei te mohio ahau that:
- My participation/whai wāhi, and my child's participation/whai wāhitanga, in the programme is entirely voluntary and I am free to withdraw my child/tamariki at any time.
- This consent/whakaae form is effective for the duration of my child's/tamariki involvement in the Big Brothers Big Sisters programme.
- There are a limited number of mentors/tuakana available, and my child/tamariki may be placed on a waitlist for a mentor/tuakana.
- All my information and anything I tell Big Brothers Big Sisters Staff will remain confidential unless it is a matter of Health and Safety. I have the right to have access to, or have corrected, any information held by the programme about myself or my young child/tamariki.
- As part of the ‘match’ support the Mentoring Coordinator/Kairuruku will maintain regular contact with my child/tamariki, myself and the mentor/tuakana.
- Non-identifying information provided by me during these contacts may be used for the purposes of programme evaluation and development.
Photo/Press/Website Release
From time to time, photos of volunteers and young people/taiohi (together or individually) participating in Big Brothers Big Sisters activities are used to raise awareness and support for our programmes particularly to recruit more volunteers. This may include use of photos in community newspapers, on our websites, on display boards at BBBS events, in our newsletter, and on other promotional materials.