Thank you for taking the time to share your insights about the NorCal Resilience Network!
We encourage you to join our Circle of Collaborators membership platform, if you haven't done so already. Please feel free to skip any questions or sections. We request that you fill out the survey by Sept. 10th.
NorCal Resilience Network Feedback
Our Organization
Please let us know which NorCal Resilience programs or projects you have participated in, over the past few years.
2021 Resilience Hubs leadership training
Capacity building workshop or skill share (online or in person)
Recipient of a NorCal Resilience mini-grant.
Participation in the Permaculture Convergence 2013-18
I have participated in the leadership of the organization (staff, steering committee).
I read your newsletters.
Member of the Circle of Collaborators
On a scale of 1-5, how familiar are you with the work of the NorCal Resilience Network?
I don't know the org at all
I know the work and leadership of this org really well.
1 is I don't know the org at all, 5 is I know the work and leadership of this org really well.
Please comment on ways that this organization has positively affected your work or you as an individual, from attending workshops to networking or funding opportunities.
Please comment on any constructive feedback you have for the organization. We ask that you be as specific as possible with your comments.
You may keep you comments anonymous if you choose to do so.
Please describe any ways that NCRN has centered - or not centered - equity and racial justice within the organization and our programs, and constructive feedback to help us center it more effectively.
NorCal Resilience Network Leadership
Please provide us with comments, constructive feedback or concerns about the NCRN leadership (feel free to be as specific as possible with your comments!):
NCRN staff and consultants
NCRN Board of Directors/Steering Committee
We are exploring ways to expand our leadership to better represent the diversity of the communities we serve, and to better support more self-organizing. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations?
Circle of Collaboratives: Our Regional Network
The vision of the Circle of Collaborators membership is to build a coalition of community resilience practitioners (sites, projects, grassroots organizations, businesses and local governments), to share best practices and provide opportunities to connect and collaborate about community-based, equity-centered and nature-inspired solutions. We are asking for feedback about different roles we could play. Please note that the State of CA has proposed $20 million dollars to fund regional collaboratives for resilience-based organizing.
On a scale of 1-5, please rate how useful this network vision is to you, in building resilient communities.
Not important at all
Very important
1 is Not important at all, 5 is Very important
What role could/should NCRN play in catalyzing this regional collaborative/network vision?
Serve as an umbrella network for bioregional (South Bay, North Bay, etc.) groups.
NCRN staff directly supports this regional collaborative (at least in Northern CA).
None, it should be a BIPOC-led organization leading it. Please add any thoughts you have about other organizations running this collaborative.
If you did join our membership directory, what kinds of projects or programs might you envision this network hosting?
Monthly calls with members, to share needs & offers + best practices with each other
Working or discussion groups by topic: energy, food, inner resilience, etc.
Skill shares and other events to build trust & relationships while building resilience
Becoming a mentor for other groups and sites
The membership model should remain simple, just as a online membership directory.
Peer-to-peer networking, workshops and skill share to build capacity for grassroots organizations (for example offering workshops related to fundraising, conflict resolution or organizational development)
Are you interested in participating in monthly meetings with members?
Yes for sure
Depends on the topic
If you are interested in monthly meetings, please check off any topics or formats that you would be interested in.
Mutual Aid support: stating our needs and offers
Lots of networking
1-2 guest speakers, sharing best practices
Open Space: whomever attends sets the agenda topics
Working groups report back on what they are working on
As a network/collaborative, please check off all of the boxes which seem important as guiding principles.
We are led by and centered in BIPOC leadership
We prioritize grassroots, community-centered programming.
We believe in radical inclusivity.
We are bridge builders.
We are passionate about equity and anti-racism.
We believe in regenerative conflict resolution.
We support low-tech, nature-inspired climate solutions.
We take a collective, equity-based approach to disaster preparedness.
We support self-organizing and decentralized leadership.
Please write any other principles you feel are missing from this list. If you have other questions, concerns or ideas about regional collaborators & our membership, please write them down here.
Again, your comments can remain anonymous.
Please feel free to elaborate on any of projects/programs you might be interested in supporting. Your ideas could include specific working group topics, ideas for events, volunteering, etc.
Resilience Hubs Initiative
Resilience Hubs are physical sites redesigned to build community resilience based on three pillars: permaculture/sustainability, community building, and disaster preparedness. Examples include libraries, community centers, schools, community gardens and neighborhoods. We have been hosting an 8-month leadership training to catalyze resilience hubs in collaboration with community-based organizations and local governmental agencies. We are now soliciting ideas for our future role in catalyzing hubs, spaces and blocks. Please note that the state of CA is considering providing up to $350 million dollars to support the development of climate resilience centers (which resilience hubs could be considered).
Is your site or organization interested in becoming a resilience hub, space or block?
yes absolutely
not sure
We are considering a variety of different offerings to support the development of resilience hubs, spaces and blocks. To help us decide, please check off which of the following you might be interested in participating in:
2- or 3-day training sessions, with your site team
1-2 hour introductory workshop about hubs
Connections with orgs/companies who could provide technical assistance
Hosting or participating in hands-on skill shares (ie, greywater installations)
Hosting or participating in workshops related to capacity building (fundraising, conflict resolution, etc).
Peer-to-peer exchanges with sites or skilled-based individuals
We already are a hub! We can serve as a mentor site.
If you have any other ideas for how to support the development of resilience hubs, spaces & blocks please write them down here.
Feel free to be as creative and bold as you wish to! (I want to see hubs in every neighborhood and this is how!).
What role do you feel NorCal Resilience should/could play in developing the Resilience Hubs Initiative? Feel free to check more than one box.
Supporting role as consultant, helping to develop training sessions for specific sectors and bioregions/cities.
Directly lead and implement (at least some of) the resilience hubs programming, as listed above.
Help to catalyze a coalition of organizations, all whom are helping to co-create programming for the Resilience Hubs Initiative.
Act as a liaison/conduit between local governmental agencies and community-based organizations.
The above-mentioned programming should primarily be developed and led by another organization.
If you have any comments in regards to NCRN's future role please write them down here (including any organizations you would recommend as potential collaborators).
Just Resilience Fund Questions
The Just Resilience Fund is our vision to create an intermediary fund that pools funds from both private and public resources to then redistribute to our members and resilience hubs, spaces & blocks. Many are deserving BIPOC grassroots organizations and projects who often do not have the internal capacity to raise funds themselves or access to government funds. Please comment on the following questions in regards to this proposed program. Again, you are welcome to skip these questions.
On a scale of 1-5, how important do you feel is the work to pool and redistribute funds to grassroots organizations?
not important at all
Extremely important
1 is not important at all, 5 is Extremely important
Please check off the guiding principles you feel are important to a Just Transition Fund.
Decisions about grants are made by NorCal Resilience community members
Easy and accessible application form (including the option of a phone call or video submission)
Recipients are able to choose their own funding priorities/projects
Funding is prioritized BIPOC-led projects and organizations
Please check off where you feel the Just Transition Fund financial resources should come from.
State budget
Local governments
Individual donors (large and small)
Local businesses
Members of NCRN
Crowd funding
Please check off any role you feel NCRN could play in the development of this Just Resilience Fund.
Serve as consultants to develop the funding model, with other organizations implementing their own Just Resilience Funds.
NCRN staff should develop and manage the fund(s).
The model should be developed by other organization(s)
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the Just Resilience Fund please write them down here.
Funding, Fundraising and Leadership
NorCal Resilience currently operates with a small staff and under $50,000 budget. We would love your perspectives in if we scale up and, and how we scale up. Please answer the following questions about funding and fundraising.
Please check off the ideal type of leadership you would like to see NCRN operate with.
Staff with decentralized leadership; no director (or co-directors), with all staff having an equal role and equal pay
Each program (Resilience Hubs Initiative, Just Resilience Fund, Circle of Collaboratives) is autonomous, operating independently. Please note that this option could be complementary to option #1.
Traditional nonprofit leadership, with an executive director
No staff. All programs and projects are run by volunteers.
How do you envision NCRN's optimal organizational funding?
Small: 2-3 salaried staff (under $150K annual budget).
Community resilience must be rapidly scaled up in Northern California. Raise as much money as possible, at least for 8-10 staff (million dollar or more annual budget).
All programs should be run by other organizations.
NCRN should operate as an organization run by volunteers and a minimal budget.
If you would like to see NCRN operate with paid staff, please check off options for raising funds.
State funding, for regional collaboratives and resilience hubs
Funding from local governmental agencies and cities
Individual donors, large and small
Members pay dues
Board members help to raise funds.
Consultant and program fees for the above-listed programs
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about fundraising please write them down here.
If you have any final questions, suggestions or concerns please write them down here. If you are interested in participating in future strategic planning meetings or supporting NorCal Resilience in any way, please leave your name (if you feel comfortable in doing so). You can also send an email with any comments or questions to: Sign up here to become a member!
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