Senior High Youth Group- Parent/Child Agreement
Please review this agreement with your child.
Keep this page for your records.
Hours: High School Youth Group happens every week during the school year and throughout the summer, with few exceptions (Students will be notified of any summer cancelations dates towards the end of the school year).
Dinner: 6th-12th at 5:45-6:15. Dinner opens for the public at 5:30 and is served until 6:15. Please feel free to join us for a FREE meal.
Dismissal: Parents are responsible for their child's ride home. Youth group ends at 8:30 (If we are going over time please come and grab your child quietly)
Dates: 2023-2024 Calendar of Events (emails and fliers may be sent home for more information)
September 4 - After School Program Begins
October 2 - No After School Program
November 20 - Thanksgiving Dinner & Christmas Program
November 27 - No After School Program (Thanksgiving Break)
December 25 - January 1 - No After School Program (Christmas Break)
January 8 - No After School Program
March 19 - No After School Program (Spring Break)
May 21 - Last day of After School Program
Expectations: While in our care children are required to:
*Be respectful of everyone
*Being respectful and listening to those who are given a platform to
*Adhering to a modest dress code (This includes: No Crop tops, low
cut shirts, short shorts, spandex. Dress code decisions ultimately lie with
youth pastors or church leadership).
*No foul language
*No purple! So, no holding hands, kissing, or cuddling with the opposite
or same gender
*No use of Alcohol, drugs, or Nicotine products on church premises
*No engaging in sexual activities with any children, youth, or adults
*Refrain from participating in gossip, hurtful conversation, and vulgar
*Appropriate use of phones, and social media (Such as not posting or
sending inappropriate photos of yourself or others)
*While at youth group youth are required to participate in all activities
unless Andy or Anna are notified by parents, doctor's note, or through
this form
****Once your child is on Pine Valley Foursquare Church property, for the purpose of attending youth group or youth event, they ARE NOT allowed to leave the church property unless parents have communicated with Andy or Anna before the time your child is trying to leave. Even if your student is able to drive his or herself to and from Youth Group, parent contact must be made with Andy or Anna. Students who are of 18 years of age but still attending high school and youth group must abide by the same rules****
Consequences of Failure to comply with behavior requirements:
*Time out from activities as a warning about suspension if needed.
*Two-week suspension; upon return to Senior High Youth Group , child
will present a written apology signed by child and parent, OR
a consequence to be determined by the senior pastor.
*Parents will be contacted immediately if their child leaves the premises
without authorization. If PVC is unable to reach the parent, we will call
the emergency contact listed. If neither party is available, we will
contact local authorities. Your child's safety is extremely important.
By enrolling in the program. and signing the agreement, you and your child/ren are acknowledging agreement with rules and expectations stated here and in compliance with PVC bus and school district bus rules where applicable.