We look forward to having your family join us over the High Holidays!
- Please register each child that will be attending Youth Groups.
- Youth Groups are for children ages 2-12
- Youth Groups wil begin at 10:00 AM on Rosh Hashana and will take place following Kol Nidrei on Yom Kippur and beginning at 10:00 AM on Yom Kippur day.
- All children will be brought to the tent to hear the Shofar.
- Please explain to your children the decorum during services. We have a great program planned including games, stories, lunch, snack & more!
- If your child will not be attending Youth program but will be sitting next to you please make sure to reserve a seat for them - you can do so by contacting Esther - Chabad@ChabadFiveTowns.com
Feel free to reach out with any questions,
Rabbi Meir & Hadassah Geisinsky
Rabbi Zalman & Chanie Wolowik