This program funds exterior improvements including painting, window repair, new storefronts, awnings and signage. This is a $1:$1 matching reimbursement grant, up to $2,000. Business or development plan not required for this program only. The program requires a one-page application and has expedited review. It is not available in combination with other grants. Applications for the Quick Fix Façade Grant program are accepted on a rolling basis.
Funding Source & Availability
The grants in this funding cycle are matching grants that require a 50% match by the applicant and are structured as deferred loans, which means that if the improvements stay in place for a period of three years the interest-free loan becomes a grant. However, if the business or property closes or changes hands, the appropriately pro-rated portion of the loans becomes due to the BDC. Grant funding is awarded as a reimbursement for approved project work with invoices marked "PAID" provided to the BDC.
Downtown Property and/or Business Owners located within the boundaries of the downtown Municipal Service District are eligible to apply for the BDC Small Grants Program. Please see the map below: