- All members of Lincoln Atheists paid annual dues to be eligible for voting privileges, holding a Board of Directors position, or any other benefit of membership.
- Personal information will NOT be shared outside of the organization; provided contact information is for internal use only.
- Membership is not required to attend any events or functions of Lincoln Atheists.
- All new members will be added to Lincoln Atheists Newsletter upon submission of application.
I, the undersigned, understand that my participation in any Lincoln Atheists activity or program is completely voluntary. I shall hold harmless the Lincoln Atheists 501(c)(3) Corporation, any Lincoln Atheists’ volunteers or representatives, and/or the providers of any activity or program location and/or materials from any liability and/or responsibility for any accident, illness, or injury that occurs as a result of my participation. I accept that the final responsibly for my own safety rests with myself.