This form will be in force through the duration of our client/business relationship and will be kept in our files.
Updated information is to be submitted if new information arrises between visits at the responsibility of the owner/agent.
I, owner's name* as the owner of pet's name *
Because your pet is considered a senior dog (age 7 & up) at our facility, there are a few things that it’s important for you to understand. As dogs age, much like humans, their bones and joints can change, pressure soars can form easier, energy levels decrease, stress can be caused by change such as being in a different environment than their norm, grooming, etc. and can have an increased influence on their health, and sometimes their immune system can weaken. This stress has the potential to cause latent/unknown physical conditions (i.e. heart, liver, and kidney disorders) to become active, and potentially life-threatening. If their immune system does weaken, their susceptibility to illness can increase by being in proximity to other dogs. We work very hard to give each guest the perfect experience, so playtimes may be a little shorter, potty breaks a little more frequent as well as more frequent nap times, depending on what the individual dog needs.If Professional Canine feels that continued grooming will negatively effect your pet, it will not be continued. In the best interest of your pet, Professional Canine requests your permission to obtain immediate veterinary treatment should it become necessary, at your cost. In this event, we will attempt to contact you. If after an attempt is made and no answer is received, how do you wish for us to proceed with your pet's care.