Seminar Feedback Survey
In order to best serve the grape growers and wine makers in our organization, please let us know what topics would be most useful to you!
Please Select all topics which interest you and you would like to learn more about in the 2022 Seminar Series.
Wine Sales
Hands On Pruning Demo
Cover Cropping
New Equipment Options / Equipment Maintenance
Grape Sales / Marketing Advice
Hands On Shoot Thinning Demo
Fertilizers and Vine Fertility
Vine Pests and Diseases
Water Politics or Ag Order 4.0
Plant-Soil-Water Relationships
Salt Management
Water Treatment
Irrigation System Management
Strategies to Increase Yield
Strategies to Increase Wine Quality
Weather Projections
Technology Options for Farmers
Compliance Issues
Labor and People Management
Grant Opportunities
Vineyard Real Estate and Property Value Reports
Please let us know what else you would like to learn at a seminar, not included on the above list. If there are specific speakers you've heard present at other events, or there was a previous IGGPRA seminar speaker you'd like to hear from again in 2022, please let us know.
General Feedback on the 2021 Seminar Series.
Should be Empty: