Student declaration:
I can confirm that I have answered all of the questions honestly and that the information given is correct.
I have no reason to believe that I need specific medical consent to practice Yoga OR I have obtained relevant medical consent.
I understand that I must listen to my body and never push myself past my comfort zone or continue if I feel pain or discomfort.
I acknowledge that I know my own physical/emotional/psychological limitations and feel comfortable letting my teacher know if a routine or practice does not feel right for me.
I acknowledge that although insured to welcome pregnant students to class, my teacher has not undertaken any specific pregnancy Yoga training. All students must obtain consent from their GP/midwife/consultant before attending classes. Some modifications may be offered but ultimately it is the reponsibility of the student to ensure the health and safety for themselves and their baby. Please rest/sit out any poses that feel too strenuous or uncomfortable.
I understand that it is ok to stop and take rest or sit out at any point during a 121 lesson, online or face to face class.
Your yoga teacher is not qualified to express an opinion that you are fit to safely participate in any yoga session or class. If you are in any doubt, you must obtain professional or specialist advice from your doctor before participating.