Teacher and Student Celebrate the Constitution! Upload Form
Thank you for participating in this year's CTC! program! Please upload your video using this form. After submitting your video, you will receive an email confirming your video submission. If you have questions or need assistance, email us at ConstitutionDay@aclusandiego.org.
Your Name
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Last Name
Your Email Address
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Teacher submitting on behalf of a student(s)
Student submitting your digital creation
School Name
(enter n/a if not applicable)
School Zip Code
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Student 7: Grade Level
Video Title
Example: Students' Privacy Rights Explained
Video Description: Provide a short description of your video, including its focus (i.e. specific amendment, the Constitution generally, the Bill or Rights generally, etc.).
Example: Can your teacher or principal confiscate and search your phone? What about your notebooks? Or your locker? Learn what 4th Amendment rights you have (or don't have) while at school.
Recommended Keywords
Example: 4th Amendment, student rights; privacy; probable cause; search and seizure; reasonable suspicion; warrant
Parent/Guardian Media Waiver
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