Contributions Disclaimer
Political Action Committee (PAC): Your dues include $25 per year for the Education Minnesota PAC. The PAC uses these contributions to fund political action efforts to strengthen the collective voice of educators in public policy making. A request for a refund of the Education Minnesota Political Action Committee contribution will not affect membership rights or benefits. Only United States citizens should contribute to the Education Minnesota Political Action Committee.
Foundation for Excellence in Teaching & Learning: Your dues include $5 per year toward the Education Minnesota Foundation. The foundation uses these contributions to fund member grants as well as workshops that support and promote access to learning and excellence in teaching. Members desiring a refund from either the PAC or the foundation must mail, email or hand deliver a signed original refund request form specifying the member’s refund request within 30 days of submitting this membership application form. Refund requests must be resubmitted annually no later than Oct. 31. Members can request the form by calling 800-652-9073.
Tax Deduction Disclosure
Dues, including contributions to the PAC and Education Minnesota Foundation, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. The annual dues rate will apply unless you join midyear, in which case your dues will be prorated for that membership year.