OLPH School Daycare Behavior Contract
1. Students must follow the daycare teachers’ instructions promptly and respectfully.
2. Students will keep hands and feet to themselves.
3. Students will use kind language towards themselves and others.
4. Students will only walk in the cafeteria and not tip their chairs forwards or back.
5. Students will use school property, including board games, blocks etc., correctly without causing unnecessary damage.
6. Students will be considerate of other students by taking turns, not interrupt board games being played, or purposefully destroy creations made by other students.
7. Students must clean up all messes before moving on to a new activity.
8. All playground school rules must be followed.
9. Cellphones must be checked in and may not be used until picked up from daycare.
Discipline Policy
1. Warning
2. Time out for 1-minute times their age (7 years old equals 7 minutes time out)
3. Removal from activity and Parent contacted
4. Student Visits Principal’s Office
5. Multiple violations of the rules over a period of time may result in removal from the daycare program. This decision will be made at the discretion of the administration.
Please keep this sheet for your records. Students please sign.