CODE Category Notes
Revenue Codes
300000 General Income includes any revenue not indicated in any sub category
300100 Membership membership dues from SNA, SO members
300200 Business & Industry Membership membership dues from B&I members
300902 Meals meal sales
300904 Registration (registration fees for SNAPA sponsored events: AC, Reg. meetings, etc)
Expense Codes
400100 Board of Directors
400110 Meetings
400114 Travel (reimbursable travel expenses of BOD members that are not specific to coded conferences)
400140 Public Policy and Legislation Programs (funds for programs and initiatives related to this committee)
400160 Nutrition Education/ Prof. Development Programs (funds for programs and initiatives related to this committee)
400170 Membership Services/ Nominating Programs (funds for programs and initiatives related to this committee)
400180 Public Communications Programs (funds for programs and initiatives related to this committee)
400181 Allied Organizations
400200 Member Services
400230 General Office
400231 Telephone/Communications
400232 Office Supplies
400233 Computers-Hardware
400234 Computers-Software
400236 Storage (Physical)
400250 Membership Directory (Wild Apricot)
400262 Postage
400263 Printing
400280 Web Page
400310 Financial Services
400320 Gifts
400330 Insurance
400340 Legal Counsel
400360 Bank Fees
400400 Programming Expenses
400410 Chapter Challenge
400420 Regional Workshops
400430 Chapter Meetings
400450 Certification Training
400500 National Conferences
400510 ANC (Includes, Reg., Travel and Hotel: ED,PP, P, PE, ACC (post 7/1)
400520 SNIC Includes, Reg.,Travel and Hotel: ED, P, PE
400540 LAC Includes, Reg., Travel and Hotel: ED, P, PE, VP, ST
400550 NLC Includes, Reg., Travel and Hotel: ED, P, PE, VP, ST
400600 Annual Conference Expenses
400610 Facilities
400615 Speakers
400620 Hotel
400630 Food
400640 AV
400650 Promotion
400660 Food Show Set-up and Exhibits
400690 Program - Mobile App
400691 Registration
500000 Association Management Expenses
500300 Management Services Expenses/Travel
500400 Contract Management
510000 Other Income/Expenses
510100 Investment Market Changes
510200 Transfer to PSFS Foundation
300501 Interest-Savings, Short-term CD