27 August 2021
Once again, we are all facing continued isolation at home under Level 4, with our restaurants closed. This is a challenge that we believe we can come through together.
At this stage Level 4 is in place until midnight Tuesday 31 August for the Auckland area and midnight Friday 27 August for the rest of the country, however this is subject to change depending on the Governments response to developments in the coming days.
As we confirmed last week you will receive 100% of the hours you have worked, and/or were rostered for, for the period 16-29 August. This will be paid on Wednesday 1 September 2021.
The Government has once again introduced a wage subsidy for businesses to apply for. This subsidy is a one-off cash payment that supports businesses to continue to employ and pay their employees and acknowledges the massive impact this situation has on business. A condition of the subsidy is that we pay you at least 80% of your ordinary wages.
While we appreciate that you are ready and willing to work, you are not able to do so for reasons beyond our control. Therefore, we are asking that you partner with us in this situation and accept a change in pay during the period your area is in Level 4 lockdown. This proposed change, which will assist in allowing us to be in the best position to secure our operations and support all employees with income, is outlined below.
What are we asking?
- Approval that, for the pay cycle 30 August – 5 September, you will be paid the greater of your Agreed Hours or 80% of your Average Wage while your area remains at Level 4. If 80% of your Average Wage is greater than your Agreed Hours but less than the amount of the relevant wage subsidy, you will be paid up to the relevant wage subsidy, however you will not be paid more than 100% of your Average Wage (the wage subsidy gross amount is $600 per week if you work 20 hours or more per week, or $359 per week if you work less than 20 hours per week).
- Your Average Wage is based on the hours you were paid over the 4-week period 19 July – 15 August 2021.
- For all subsequent pay cycles while we are at Level-4 lockdown in your area, we will continue to pay you as per points 1 and 2 above, subject to the Government maintaining the Wage Subsidy scheme as per the initial 14-day period. This will be paid on the normal Wednesday fortnightly payment cycle.
- When we move down to Level 3 or lower in your area, you will revert to being paid 100% of your hours worked.
You may be able to top up your wage payment to 100% using Annual Leave, Long Service Leave or Alternative Leave as outlined in the full communication posted on ESS/Affinity dated 27 August 2021.
To accept this temporary proposed change to your pay for the period your area is in lockdown, please complete the details below on this Electronic Form by midday Sunday 29 August 2021. Please note that by signing below you give us authority to apply for the wage subsidy on your behalf and provide your personal information to the Ministry of Social Development (which may be shared with other agencies).
We know this change will have an impact on everyone, but these are exceptional times for all of us and we all need to work together. I would personally like to thank you for your understanding and partnering with us during this unsettling period.
If you have any questions, concerns or feedback regarding this proposal please let me know. Otherwise please continue to stay home, stay safe and look after yourself and your family.
Yours faithfully

Bernard Oosthuizen
Head of Operations