Number of Falls in the last 12 months: Do you have any of the following existing conditions: Anxiety Alzheimer’s Dementia Depression NoneEmergency room visits in the last 6 months: Hospital stays in the last 6 months: New vision problems: Yes NoDecreased hearing: Yes NoDo you or your family have concerns about your memory: Yes NoOverall Health: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Other contributing Difficulties: None Live in an unsafe environment Lacking transportation Financial difficulty Difficulty reading or understanding instructions Lonely Frequent falls
Vaccines: Flu Shot (one every 12 months) Date: Pneumonia Shot (Part B covers the first shot at any time and a different, second shot if it’s given at least one year after the first shot)Date: DateHepatitis B Shot Date: Hemophilia Have ESRD Diabetic Live with someone who ha
Males ONLY(over the age of 50):Prostate Screening (Digital Rectal Exam) Date:Prostate Screening (bloodwork) Date: Females ONLYPap Smear Date: DateMammogram Date:
Immunizations:TDAP Date: DateShringrix Date: DatePnew 23 Date: Prevnar 13 Date: DateTDAP Date: Date
Last Colonoscopy: DateResults: Normal AbnormalBone Scan (DEXA): DateResults:Normal Abnormal
Surgical & Hospitalization History (please list surgeries and month and year of surgery/hospitalization):