Thank You for Supporting the Hayhurst PTA
Use this form to set up recurring monthly donation to the Hayhurst PTA. You can select for how many months to keep the automatic donation going as well as the sum of the monthly donation.
If you are looking for the one-time donation form, please click here.
P-EBT Cards Notice, August 2021: Over the summer, most Hayhurst families were mailed a P-EBT card for their student/s. The card can be used to purchase groceries at stores like Fred Meyer and New Seasons Market. Click here for more info on the PEBT cards.
If the extra funds on the P-EBT card offers extra room in your budget, consider donating some or all of these funds to the PTA.
Hayhurst PTA is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Hayhurst PTA engages families and communities in encouraging educational success and supporting special programs and activities. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax adviser with questions about charitable contributions. Our EIN: 93-6039319