A newer version (https://form.jotform.com/222671069537158) was created by someone, but no one knows where the results are sent. The previous version created by George Daniels was reinstalled 3/8/2023
This new member application was originally developed by George Daniels 4/27/2018. It is routed to the membership committee via email Membership@PointWestRotary.com which is distributed to committee members listed in the routing for the email. The routing can be update in the club's GoDaddy "Workspace Email" area. As of March 2023 these are the people who receive the new member application data: mather.joanie@gmail.com,tom.cicchini@raymondjames.com,beaba@themaurers.net,dominicporrino@gmail.com,george@ifonlyinc.com
Collected data (new member applications) are stored in Google Sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10PHMB3VJN1cJ_UPlpj2U_1CgyUfyrHRNBbxmuUC_bHY/edit#gid=1003485490