Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness Training
First Name
Last Name
1. Purpose
The purpose of this training program is to Establish and ensure a safe and healthful working environment and act as a performance standard for CDH Consulting.
3. Key Responsibilities
Each box must be checked to serve as proof that you received the following information!
3.1 The following are a list of responsibilities pertaining to the Bloodborne Pathogens Program:
Exposure control officer (HSE Director) has overall responsibility for developing and implementing the exposure control procedure for CDH Consulting.
Site Project supervisors are responsible for exposure control in their respective areas.
Employees should know what tasks they perform that have occupational exposure.
Employees need to plan and conduct all operations in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Employees must develop and maintain good personal hygiene habits.
3.2 Training shall be provided at the time of initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure may take place, and at least annually thereafter. Training should include:
What bloodborne pathogens are and how to protect oneself from exposure
Methods of warnings (signs, labels, etc.).
The OSHA requirements of bloodborne pathogens.
The Hepatitis B vaccine shall be made available to all employees that have occupational exposure, at no cost to the employee/s
The HSE Director shall be trained in Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA requirements prior to or upon assignment of the director position.
3.3 Training records shall be maintained for 3 years from the date on which the training occurred and shall include at least the following:
Outline of training program contents.
Name of person conducting the training.
Names of all persons attending the training.
Date of training.
4. Procedures
Each box must be checked to serve as proof that you received the following information!
4.1: Availability of Procedures to Employees:
All employees will have access to a copy of the exposure control plan located at
The procedure is reviewed annually.
4.2 Exposure Determinations in CDH Consulting:
There are no job classifications in which some or all employees have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens that may result from the performance of their routine duties.
CDH Consulting employees may have current first aid training, and so rendering first aid or basic life support in the event of an injury may provide the possibility of exposure to employees to bloodborne pathogens. In such a case those individuals will be required to adhere to this program.
All minor first aid injuries occurring on company property or on company time require self-rendered first aid. No employee is allowed to render first aid to a minor injury of another employee where bloodborne pathogens could be transferred.
In addition, no medical sharps or similar equipment is provided to, or used by, employees rendering first aid or basic life support.
This exposure determination has been made without regard to the Personal Protective Equipment that may be used by employees.
5. General Requirements
Each box must be checked to serve as proof that you received the following information!
5.1: Universal Precautions:
When the differential between fluids and body fluids is difficult or impossible to determine, all fluids will be considered potentially infectious.
Workers who utilize sharps for personal reasons are expected to dispose of such sharps materials in accordance with all applicable laws.
First aid stations must be stocked with medical grade disposable gloves.
Following any contact of body areas with blood or any other infectious materials, employees wash their hands and any other exposed skin with soap and water as soon as possible.
Hand washing facilities shall be available. If hand washing facilities are not feasible CDH Consulting will provide either an appropriate antiseptic hand cleanser in conjunction with cloth/paper towels or antiseptic towelettes.
Food and drink are not kept in refrigerators, freezers, on counter tops or in other storage areas where potentially infectious materials are present.
All equipment or other work surfaces shall be cleaned and decontaminated after contact with blood or other infectious materials.
Bloodborne pathogens kits are located in company offices and are to be used only in emergency situations. Once the seal is broken on kit contents and any portion has been used it is not to be reused. Kits shall be ordered and replaced promptly.
5.2: Company employees shall adhere to the following practices when using personal protective equipment in a bloodborne pathogens response event:
When the possibility of occupational exposure is present, PPE such as gloves, gowns, etc. is to be provided at no cost to the employees.
All PPE shall be of the proper size and readily accessible.
Any garments penetrated by blood or other infectious materials must be removed immediately and must not be worn out of the work area.
Gloves must be worn whenever employees anticipate hand contact with potentially infectious materials or when handling or touching contaminated items or surfaces.
CDH Consulting will repair and replace PPE as needed to maintain its effectiveness.
5.3: Post-exposure evaluation and follow up:
If there is an incident where exposure to bloodborne pathogens has occurred, CDH Consulting will ensure the exposed employee/s have medical consultation and treatment made available to them immediately.
The CDH Consulting HSE Director investigates every reported exposure incident and a written summary of the incident and its causes will be prepared, and actions will be taken for avoiding similar incidents in the future.
5.4: We provide an exposed employee with the following confidential information:
Documentation regarding the routes of exposure and circumstances under which the exposure incident occurred.
Identification of the source individual (unless not feasible or prohibited by law).
A copy of the procedure, and a description of the exposure incident forwarded to the healthcare professional.
After the consultation, the healthcare professional will provide the HSE Director with a written opinion evaluating the exposed employee's situation. In turn, the exposed employee will be furnished a copy of this opinion.
The written opinion will contain only the following information: 1) whether Hepatitis B Vaccination is indicated for the employee, or 2) whether the employee has received the Hepatitis B Vaccination.
Confirmation that the employee has been informed of the results of the evaluation.
Confirmation that the employee has been told about any medical conditions resulting from the exposure incident which require further evaluation or treatment.
All other findings or diagnoses will remain confidential and will not be included in the written report.
5.5: Record keeping for each employee with occupational exposure must be maintained for at least the duration of employment plus 30 years and shall include at least the following:
Employee's name, Social Security number and CDH Consulting employee number if applicable.
Employee's Hepatitis B vaccination status, including vaccination dates.
All results from examinations, medical testing and follow-up procedures, including all health care professional’s written opinions.
Information provided to the health care professional.
Any Hepatitis B Vaccine declinations.
6. Test
1. The purpose of this training program is to support a safe and healthful working environment:
I am not sure
2. Does this training help you understand the requirements of bloodborne pathogen exposure control plan?
I am not sure
3. Is it true that employees are expected to know what tasks they perform that have occupational exposure?
I am not sure
4. All employees have access to a copy of the exposure control plan located on what website?
None of the above
5. All minor first aid injuries occurring on company job sites require self-rendered first aid.
I am not sure
6. Containers for contaminated sharps are not provided by the company at any work site, workers who utilize sharps for personal reasons are expected to dispose of such sharps materials in accordance with all applicable laws:
I am not sure
7. Bloodborne pathogens kits are located in company offices and are to be used only in emergency situations by the trained caregiver.
I am not sure
8. Once the seal is broken on any PPE item contained within a kit, it is to be discarded immediately or after use, and replacements should be ordered promptly:
I am not sure
9. When the possibility of occupational exposure is present, PPE (such as gloves, gowns, etc.) is to be provided at no cost to the employees:
I am not sure
10. Gloves are worn whenever employees anticipate hand contact with potentially infectious materials or when handling or touching contaminated items or surfaces:
I am not sure
Signature of Attendee
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