Responsible Internet Use
As part of your curriculum and the development of ICT skills, Drapers’ Academy is providing supervised access to the Internet. We believe that the use of the World Wide Web and e-mail is worthwhile and is an essential skill for children as they grow up in the modern world. Please would you read the attached ‘Rules for Responsible Internet Use’, and sign and return the agreement form so that your child may use the Internet at school.
Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure that suitable restrictions are placed on the ability of children to access inappropriate materials, the Academy cannot be held responsible for the nature or content of material accessed through the Internet. However, the Academy’s Internet provider operates a filtering system that restricts access to inappropriate materials
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of Internet use (or to see a lesson in operation) please contact your child’s Pastoral Manager, who will help to make appropriate arrangements.
School Trips
The legislation regarding school trips has changed and in order to comply with the new rules, it is essential that every child has a consent slip signed by Parent / Carer. This will remain in force throughout their time here at Drapers’ Academy. Only if pupils go on a residential trip will there be any need to fill in further forms.
The type of trips the covered are sports matches, trips to colleges and other educational centres, geography field trips etc.
Money, Mobiles and Personal Belongings
Students need to take responsibility for their own money. The Academy cannot be held responsible for money or other personal property brought to school.
Students are responsible for the costs of any loss or damage to Academy property or equipment.
Mobile Phones
Sixth Form Students are permitted to use their mobile phones in the Sixth Form Area only.
Laptop Contract
To support your A Level studies the Academy will provide you with a Laptop. You are responsible for the Surface and its appropriate use. You need to read the conditions below and sign the contract:
• If you leave the Academy before the completion of your A Levels you must return your
• You must comply with the Academy's IT policy.
• You must not use games, instant messaging, Skype or social networking sites during lesson times.
• You are not allowed to use a proxy server to access content blocked by the Academy.
• If you damage your Laptop you must report this to the Academy. We will endeavour to repair it but if this is not possible your Laptop will not be replaced.
• You are not permitted to record events in school without permission of the all the parties involved (staff, pupils and students) and the administration of the Academy.
• You are not permitted to upload recordings from the Academy to websites, such as
You Tube.
The academy has the right to remove the Laptop if we feel that you are not using it appropriately or fail to adhere to the conditions listed above.