Student Registration Form
Fill out the form carefully for registration
Student name
First Name
Last Name
Student's age as of 1/9/24
Approximate grade/level
Current school attended
Is there any health or allergy information we need to know about your child?
My child will be available for concerts on:
Wednesday 4th December 2024: Sharing Concert
Wednesday 21st May 2025: Summer Concert
Parent/Carer name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Carer E-mail
1st mobile contact number
2nd mobile contact number
Do you give permission for us to take photos/videos of your child to use on our website or other promotional material?
TCO subs payment is £125 per year (due 11/9/24) or two payments of £62.50 (due 11/9/24 and 26/2/25). Subsequent siblings cost £90 or two payments of £45. Please indicate how you would like to pay. Bank details on email/letter.
1 installment
2 installments
Where did you hear about us?
A friend
Attended TCO before
Instrumental teacher
Submit Application
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