Note: All personal records or documentation will be held in strickest confidence by the staff of ETS, DVC and Contra Costa Community College District (consistent with the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, regulations and other laws) and will not be released to any other entity without my prior acknowledge and consent. This acknowledge will be effective for the duration of my child's participation in the program.
I/we do hereby give consent to DVC ETS (employees and agency) to render or seek necessary emergency medical treatment and assistance to the participant/my child. The participant, his/her parents or legally appointed guardian hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless, release and forever discharge the DVC Educational Talent Search employees and/or agents from all claims and demands which the participant, his/her parents or legal guardian or the representatives or successors of them or any person may have against Contra Costa Community College District, DVC and its employees and agents by reason of acts, illness, or injury, or other consequences arising or resulting directly or indirectly from the participation of said minor in the aforementioned ETS activities.
I/we authorize the DVC ETS to obtain documents concerning my child’s education, which include: a copy of my child’s school transcript, test scores, ACT/SAT and school lunch program eligibility. I/we hereby give my permission for my child’s name, photograph, work, and/or statements for use by DVC ETS for promotional, publicity web pages, social media, brochures, newspaper, etc and for instructional purposes.
I do hereby give my college of attendance and National Student Clearinghouse permission to disclose my college enrollment status and degree attainment data to the CCCCD/DVC ETS staff for the purpose of tracking my college enrollment and completion. I authorize ETS to obtain information related to my application for receipt of student financial assistance (federal, state, or other) and a copy of my award notification from the financial aid office and college admission registration information.
Please review your application before submitting and be sure the following is included:
Review Common Application Mistakes:
1. Misspelled first and last name
2. Misspelled email/Wrong phone numbers
3. Not including both parents/guardian information when checking box indicating residing with both parents/guardians
4. Transcript and/or IEP/504 or Permanent Resident docuements not uploaded
Any questions?
Follow up with your ETS Advisor:
ETS Advisors
Ms. Brenda,, 925-969-2010