The Educational Visit Planner is to be completed four weeks prior to visit by the year group lead or the staff member in charge of organising the event/activity. A signed copy must be handed to the admin team. Letters to parents, school packed lunches and free travel will be booked upon the offices receipt of this form. The final document once actioned by the admin team must be submitted along with the risk assessment by the Lead Organiser to the HT/EVC two weeks prior to the visit – it must be reviewed and singed no later than the day before the visit.
If this is a residential Trip, the following form must be completed by the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher to inform Lewisham Health & Safety Team.
34. Notes on the Approval Form
Tick to confirm that arrangements have been made. Enter ‘NR’ if a box is not relevant. For regular educational and recreational visits, for example to school playing fields, church, the swimming pool, simply complete one form for each academic year. Supporting paperwork, for example the risk assessment for the activity should still be on file, as should any paperwork with providers. An opportunity to regularly review educational and recreational events should be made at least annually.
Overseas visits
35. The council would like to be made aware of all overseas visits taking place by Lewisham schools. In order to make this possible the following must apply.