1. Courtesy and Proper Language is required when speaking with other Contestants, Pageant Staff, Dressing Room Volunteers and the Theater Production Staff.
2. Contestants must be on time to all scheduled events; such as Arrival, On Stage Rehearsal and lining up when requested by back stage volunteers to be in position for on-stage competition.
3. Contestants may not leave the theatre after registration with family, friends or to run errands until the completion of the pageant.
4. Contestants must participate in all pageant activities and remain until the completion of the pageanteven if they are not selected as a semi-fi nalist or finalistthey must participate in the on-stage activities until the completion of the pageant.
5. To leave the group (for example. Restroom Breaks) contestants must advise a staff member.
6. Each Contestant will be responsible for her personal medical expenses incurred during the pageant. If taking any medication, have your physician write us a note. If you have any medical problems, advise us prior to the pageant. This will have no affect on the competition. We will contact the per son you specify on your Medical Emergency Form in case of an emergency.
7. No family, friends, coaches, personal helpers, etc, will be allowed backstage at any time for any reason.
8. Contestants (outside of competition), spouses, friends, relatives, etc. should not approach the judges, the judges coordinator, or auditors prior to the conclusion of the pageant.
9. NO PERSONAL HAIRDRESSES OR MAKE-UP ARTISTS ALLOWED. (This includes meeting you in the Theatre or Restroom)
10. NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED!!!! Cell Phones will be collected and kept by the Pageant Staff until the completion of the pageant.
13. NO ONE, EXCEPT CONTESTANTS, WILL BE ALLOWED ON-STAGE OR BACKSTAGE. At the completion of the pageant you MUST carry your luggage and wardrobe from the dressing room and meet your family in the main theater lobby.
14. After the crowning, ONLY the Official Photographer will be allowed on-stage with a camera.
15. NO AEROSOL FIRM GRIP!!! Bring Roll-On “It Stays” ONLY! (Call your local gown shop or purchase at pageant for $15.00 Bring moist body wipes to remove it before gown competition.
16. No Personal Video Cameras, Tape Recorders or recording device of any type.
17. No Cameras or Photography. Photo CD’s will be available for purchase of your pageant competition.
18. Contestants are not permitted to solicit or sell any products or goods during the pageant day to other contestants, friends, family or pageant staff.
19. The pageant is not responsible for valuables. Do not bring expensive jewelry, large amounts of cash or your credit cards. Be sure to mark your wardrobe and other items for easy identification. 20. No interviews for radio, television, newspaper or another contestant are to be granted or conducted throughout the pageant day without consent from your Pageant Director.
I agree to accept the following prize award rules:
1. I will accept prizes as offered by sponsors or donors, understanding that I cannot request substitute prizes or cash in lieu of their prize.
2. If prize donors cannot or will not fulfill their prize commitment I un derstand that Rhonda Garrett Gilliam, the state pageant and its prize coordinators, accept no responsibility for substitute prizes or financial reimbursement.
3. I understand that if I accept any prize I will not offer it for sale during my reign.
4. I understand that I may deny acceptance of any prize but will not be offered financial reimbursement or substitute prize.
5. I understand that if my reign is terminated for any reason, including but not limited to divorce, illness, relocation to another state, pregnancy, or succeeding to the Miss for America Strong title, I will not collect any cash or prizes still due me.
6. I understand that if I succeed to the state title at any time, I will only receive those prizes or monies unclaimed by the originally crowned titleholder.
7. I understand that I will not compete for any other pageant title during my reign.
Remember, if you witness any of these rules being broken, you must report the infraction to the Pageant Staff. Failing to do so makes you guilty by association.
My signature below indicates that I have read and agree to abide by the Rules, Regulations and Award Rules stated above. Failure to adhere to these Rules and Regulations can result in your disqualification and removal from the pageant.