Application Fee - Applicant must submit a $50 application fee, per applicant (18 years or older This fee is to process credit and criminal background checks and is non-refundable whether the application is approved or denied. Applicant has knowingly sent the funds to our paypal account, should the applicant have paid by paypal and not another form of payment _____/_____.
Reservation Process: Approximately 30 Days prior to apartment completion, management will confirm the expected move-in date with the applicant. The applicant must execute a Lease Agreement and pay the approved.
Security Deposit and First months rent, and Cleaning Fee within 48 Hours of receipt of the approval process. First months rent may include a proration rate and the next month depending on when the move-in date is. The approved Security Deposit is determined based on applicant's credit and will be notified upon approval what the amount is. The amount may be up to one and half times the monthly rent. This amount will be on top of first month's rent (Note: the Lease move-in date must be within 14 days of apartment completion
Failure to sign the lease agreement and pay the approved Security Deposit plus the rent amount in full, within 48 hrs of approval will result in losing the reservation on the assigned apartment (address noted above).