Every now and then a tenancy is unable to be carried through until the final date as per the signed tenancy agreement.
...now what?
You still have responsibilities as per the tenancy agreement including paying rent until a new renter is found or until the end of the lease agreement, whatever comes first, along with some of the leasing costs. When a renter wants to break a lease there is a process that needs to be followed to reduce their costs. You must advise your intentions in writing with signatures of all parties. You then need to sign the Lease Break assignment form (on the next page). Once this has been returned to our office, we will do everything possible to keep your costs to a minimum.
...who is responsible for what?
You are responsible for re-imbursing the owner for charges that they would not expect to have to pay until the end of their agreement.
The renter is responsible for:
● Pro rata of the letting fee (this is individual to each property)
● Rent until the property is re-leased
● Advertising - $350.00 plus GST
● Administration Fee - $55.00 incl GST
● Tenancy checks through national databases - $22.00 on each final applicant inc GST
● Property images - from $55.00 inc GST
what is the ‘pro rata leasing fee?
To find a new renter each rental provider is charged a % of the annual rental. This is individual for each property and we will advise of this fee upon request.
For Example: If the renter breaks their 12 month agreement by 6 months, then they would be responsible for reimbursing 1⁄2 of the new leasing fee to the owner. The owner would be responsible for the payment of the remainder of the fee as the renter has used that portion of their agreement.
what if the property cannot be re-leased?
The property needs to be advertised as if the owner was leasing the property. So, if the enquiry is low and the rent needs to be lowered, then you need to reimburse the owner the difference in the final rental achieved.
what if the owner wants to move in?
The owner would need to release you from your obligation to pay rent, advertising, renter checks and property images. You would still be responsible for paying the pro rata letting fee and rent until you vacate the premises.
what if the owner wants to renovate?
As above, the owner would need to release you from your obligation to pay rent until the property is ready to be renovated and vacated the premises. You would still be responsible for a pro rata of the letting fee, advertising, renter checks and property images.
what if the owner wants to put the property to the rental market at a higher rental?
The property has to be advertised at the same rent as your current rent, OR the owner would need to release you from your obligation to pay rent until the property is re-leased. The renter would still be responsible for a pro rata of the letting fee, advertising, renter checks and property images.
what if the property is left vacant?
If you have moved out of the property and it is still marketed for new renters, it is the your responsibility to make sure the property is presented the best it can be for
the inspections – this means the power must be left on and the property to be clean and tidy with maintained gardens. The better a property is presented the easier it is to find new renters for.