The actual cost of total hair wefts needed can range anywhere between $200 for a mini row to $3000+ for a very long multiple row install. It will depend on length desired and total number of wefts needed for your hair goals. ** The hair is an additional charge from your service install cost and is only purchased every 9-12 months.
NOTE: The longevity of hair varies from person to person based on chemical services done to them and how well you take care of them at home.
In order to book your IBE extension install appointment, cost of the extension hair must be paid for IN FULL.
The initial install appointment will range from $330 - $1000 for the install service not including color. The actual price is narrowed down during consultation and is based onwhat is needed to acheive your desired look.
Your Maintenance appointments cost will be based on number of rows to be reinstalled. These range from $230-$900 *cost estimate does not include color service of natural hair.
Your extensions require a maintenance reinstall every 7-10ish week.