Awards Ceremony 3:00 PM promptly
1. All products MUST be uncooked and seasoned on site. Failure to follow this rule is grounds for disqualification.
2. Competition meats are spareribs and chicken thighs. Please prepare at least 5 samples for judges.
3. Each team may check-in on Saturday from 7:30 AM-8:00 AM. They may set up their equipment anytime after their arrival. Cookers are also asked to prepare samples for the crowd for the Crowd-Pleaser contest. The team with the most tickets will be the Crowd-Pleaser winner.
4. Drip pans must be used to catch grease per Park rules.
5. Each cooker and team must meet safety standards, such as GLOVES, and APRONS, SANITIZER, MASK as deemed necessary for the safety of contestants and the general public.
6. Each team will be responsible for the clean-up of their site at the completion of the contest.
Note: Please No Chicken thighs or Ribs can be cooked until food check.
But you can sell any other foods at any time.
Any violations could result in DISQUALIFICATION.