I shall respect the privacy concerns of the people we serve, and I shall hold in confidence
all information obtained in the course of professional service, whether that information is
obtained through written records or daily interaction with the person. Therefore, I will not
disclose an individual’s confidences to anyone, except (1) as mandated by the law; (2) to
prevent a clear and immediate danger to a person or persons; (3) where I am compelled to
do so by a court pursuant to the rules of a court.
No information about a person, or obtained from a person, may be disclosed in a form that
identifies the person, without a written or documented oral consent of the person, or of
his/her legal representative, unless the disclosure is required by a court order.
I shall store or dispose of professional records in ways that maintain confidentiality.
I shall possess a professional attitude which upholds confidentiality towards the people we
serve, colleagues, applicants and any sensitive situations arising within the Council on
Aging of St. Lucie, Inc.
I, upon my termination, shall maintain client and co-worker confidentiality and I shall hold
confidential any information about sensitive situations within this organization.
I understand that violation of this confidentiality statement may be grounds for immediate