All guests must be checked-in by a resident and be able to present valid picture identification when asked by a Residence Life staff member.
Minors must be registered a minimum of 24 hours prior to arrival. Minors requesting to be in the residence halls past 10pm and/or overnight must submit registration 2 business days in advance of arrival to campus and receive approval from the Director of Residence Life. The Office of Residence Life may verify parent or guardian approval using the contact information provided in the Guest Registration Form.
Minor guests found to be disruptive to the RMC community will have their parent/legal guardians contacted for immediate pick up; if unable to reach parent/legal guardians for immediate pick up the Billings Police Department may be contacted. Guests of legal age (18+) found to be disruptive to the RMC community will be escorted off RMC property immediately.
Guests must be with their resident hosts at all times and must have the permission of any applicable roommates. See the Residence Life Handbook for the full details of the Guest Policy.