Our Family Respect project focuses on working with children and young people who display any abusive behaviours towards their parents and carers and other people in their family. The work is being led by YMCA Trinity Group through collaboration with the Police and Crime Commissioner and Respect UK.
Abuse takes many forms, and the signs are often invisible to those on the outside of it. Child to parent abuse is particularly hidden and misunderstood which often results in parents and carers feeling isolated, without any support.
Perhaps a child or young person aged 10 to 16 years of age who you know is showing physical or violent behaviours towards other people in their home? Maybe they have caused damage to items in their home, or to items which belong to someone else? Have they used coercion and manipulation to control the freedom and choices of other people they live with? It could be that they use verbal insults or threats to other family members? Or perhaps the abuse focuses on stealing, demanding money or other people’s property?
For us to be able to accept a referral for a family we need to ensure that someone in the family has reached out to the police for support with the abusive behaviour and this might have been a phone call or by looking at information online. If a young person has engaged with youth offending services, this is another way we can accept a referral.
If you know someone between 10 and 16 years of age who needs support because of any abusive behaviours they are exhibiting towards their parents or carers, or towards other people in their home, this could be a well-suited programme for them to get involved with.
Please complete the following form to refer someone to the project.
If you have any questions, email familyrespect@ymcatrinity.org.uk.