Submit to the LPS Online Gallery
Active members of the Louisiana Photographic Society can submit their work to be featured in the online gallery. You must answer the required questions. Websites and online handles will only be shown if you complete those sections. Please take care to make sure your info is correct and you are following the naming procedures. This helps the appropriate credit be given and decreases the likelihood of image theft. If you need to make any changes to the form or your answers after you have submitted, please email the exhibit coordinator ( and the corrections can be made. Thank you for your continued support and creation of beautiful imagery to share.
First Name
Last Name
Email (this will not be shared online)
Tell us briefly about your photography and your journey in photography.
How long have you been a photographer?
What's your favorite thing to photograph (macro, landscapes, portraits, etc.)?
Enter your website address (if you have one).
If you have Instagram or Facebook, please leave those links here:
You can upload between 5 and 10 of the images you feel best represent your work. They should be titled FirstName-LastName-ImageTitle.jpg. Please resize your images to be 1920 px on the long side. Watermarks are encouraged.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Be sure to hit SUBMIT at the bottom!
Once the Exhibit Coordinator has received and reviewed your information, she will reach out to you to confirm info and let you know when the post featuring your online gallery will be shared.
Should be Empty: