►►► Since repertoire requirements are very specific for four of the special plaque awards (Early Bach, Advanced Bach, Sonatina, Sonata), you must submit the program to be pre-approved. (Repertoire submitted for pre-approval cannot be submitted by phone, e-mail of FAX.) (The POSTMARK deadline is December 13. Pre-approval forms postmarked after December 13 will not be accepted.) Once approved, changes may not be made without contacting Guild Headquarters. (Students applying for the Guild Founder Medal are the only "Special Medal" students NOT required to submit the programs to be pre-approved.) Complete one form for each student and send to:
►►► National Guild of Piano Teachers
Program Aprroval: Attention: Julia Amada Kruger
P.O. Box 9469
Austin, Texas 78766-9469
Once the audition is complete, a copy of the inner report card and stub, PRE-APPROVAL FORM, and "Special Plaque Enrollment Card" MUST BE SENT TO HEADQUARTERS (Early Bach, Advanced Bach, Sonatina, Sonata) to ensure all other
requirements for the award have been met (pp. 7-9, 29 of the Guild Syllabus). Remember: This application may not be used for Diploma programs! Requirements for Diploma programs are found on pp. 9-12 of the Syllabus.