Grace Theological College
Thank You For Applying to Grace Theological College. Please complete the application.
First Name
Middle Name
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E-mail address
Mobile number
Home phone number (If you have one.)
Describe your current spiritual practice(s).
For Example: Studying scripture, Daily prayer, Examen, Volunteer work, Serving in ministry, etc...
What is your current faith affiliation?
What church/religion/faith are you a member or affiliated? If spiritual and not a member/affiliated with a formal religion please write "Spiritual - Non Affiliated."
Describe your religious / spiritual journey.
What is your highest earned educational level ?
GED, High School Diploma, Certificates/Diplomas of Completion, Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, Doctorate, Professional Degree
For which degree you are applying?
Describe why you wish to study for this degree.
Grace Theological College requires two letters of reference. One letter must be an academic reference from an Instructor/ Teacher/Professor. The second letter must be a personal reference from a person who has known you for at least four years. The letters are to be emailed to Provide the names of the two persons who will be writing the references in the space below.
If you are submitting images please brows and preview the image here before submitting in the Submit Copies of Documents area below. By doing this you may be assured that you will be submitting the correct documents.
SUBMIT COPIES OF DOCUMENTS: Submit copies of documents In support of your application: NOTE: If you cannot complete this section please provide an explanation in the comments section below.
If you cannot provide supporting documentation at this time, please explain the reason.
Please do not respond here if you have uploaded the documentation requested above.
Sign here to give permission for a background check.
I attest that the information that I have provided is truthful and accurate.
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