Marshcroft Masterplan survey
Harrow Estates have developed draft plans for land East of Tring, known as Marshcroft, and we want to gain the views of local residents to help inform these emerging plans. Please fill out our survey below. All feedback will be considered ahead of planning submission to Dacorum Borough Council.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Email address
What is your age?
Under 18
Please describe your current housing arrangements
Owner occupier
Private rented
Social rented
Prefer not to say
Other (please state in free box below)
Please tick the box if you would NOT like us to contact you with updates about the project in the future
I would NOT like to be contacted about the project
Privacy Policy
The data you provide is being collected by Royal Pilgrim Communications (who can be contacted on 0800 198 1235 or The lawful basis for processing this data is Legitimate Interests for the purposes of this consultation, to gather your opinion on the proposals and to enable us to contact you regarding the project in the future. You can opt out of any contact by ticking the box above or contacting us at any time. You do not have to provide any personal data in order to comment on this proposal. We will not publish or share your personal data with any third parties. A copy of the comments that you make regarding the proposal will be provided to the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning process and so that it can note the comments made, but no personal data will be shared, other than any personal data you choose to put in the comments section. Your personal data will be stored securely for the lifetime of the project, which will be until development is complete or a decision has been made not to progress the project. You have the right to access, amend, object and remove the data we hold at any time.
The draft Masterplan includes a range of homes designed to meet local demand. These questions will help us understand the priorities of local residents on the type and mix of homes which they would like to see delivered.
Dacorum’s draft Local Plan identifies land East of Tring as a site capable of accommodating a new community of approximately 1,800 new homes. Land in our Marshcroft masterplan can provide 1,400 of that need. What type of housing would you like to see delivered as part of this? (tick all which apply)
Family homes
First homes
Affordable homes
Retirement community with extra care facilities
Self/custom build
Social rented homes
Other (please state in free box below)
The draft Dacorum Local Plan also sets out an ambition for Land East of Tring to deliver 40% affordable housing; of which 75% should be social rent. What tenure of affordable housing do you think should be delivered on the site?(Such as social rent, older persons accommodation, low-cost market housing)
Dacorum Council’s policy is to make provision for self-build on site. Is this something you support?
Many people will require a specific type of property within the next 10 years. Please indicate those that you believe may be most needed for you or someone you know (tick all which apply)
Family homes
Shared ownership homes
Affordable homes
Social rent retirement homes
Extra care homes
First homes
Community Facilities
Tring is a market town with a successful town centre and a vibrant mix of independent businesses and community facilities. We want to complement this by providing facilities to serve the needs of the new residents whilst supporting Tring town centre. These questions will help us understand what kind of amenities would be most valued.
Please tell us which facilities you would value the most from Marshcroft? (tick all which apply)
Community hall
General health facilities (Dentist, GP)
Convenience store (groceries etc)
Business hub (flexible office space)
Other (please state in free box below)
The Masterplan includes provision for new primary and secondary schools to serve new and existing residents, as well as sports facilities and flexible community space. Which shared community facilities would you value in this development? (tick all which apply)
Primary School
Secondary School
Sports facilities
3G or 4G sports pitches
Village community hall
Other (please state in free box below)
Marshcroft can provide valuable transport links for existing residents through the site and towards Tring Railway Station. It is also important to provide the correct balance of sustainable travel options including for cyclists and pedestrians, so we want to understand your priorities.
Our draft plans include new direct cycle and pedestrian links connecting the development to existing communities, the town centre and Tring Station. Would you value this infrastructure improvement?
Our proposed development provides extensive areas of open space and connects to existing public recreational routes, such as the Grand Union Canal Path and Marshcroft Lane. Would you make use of these facilities?
If you are to travel to Tring Railway Station which mode of travel would you likely use? (tick all which apply)
Car (park and ride)
Other (please state in free box below)
Which of the following do you believe are most important to encourage sustainable travel (reducing car use) to and from Tring Railway Station? (tick all which apply)
Quality/frequency of bus service
Speed of traffic on Station Road
Availability of cycle parking
Facilities at the station
EV charging points at the station
Dedicated car club spaces
We are keen that the Marshcroft masterplan is environmentally conscious and helps contribute to wider efforts to promote sustainable development. We want to know your priorities on sustainability to help inform our draft plans.
Biodiversity and an enhanced environment are at the core of the scheme’s design, including making over 50% of the land available as public open space with retained and enhanced hedgerows and tree coverage, a new canalside park, orchards, allotments, and green routes. Do you agree with this approach?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Dacorum Council has an ambitious target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. With this in mind, which areas do you think we should prioritise in the delivery of this scheme to support a greener Dacorum? (tick all which apply)
Wildlife corridors
EV charging points
Solar panels
Air or ground-source heat pumps
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)
Cycle facilities
Other (please state in free box below)
Do you have any further comments about sustainability and what we should be considering when developing the Masterplan?
Masterplan Layout
Our ambition is for Marshcroft's layout and design to be sympathetic to wider Tring. These questions will help us understand what residents want us to consider when designing the proposals.
What do you think are the most important characteristics of Tring's existing build environment? (tick all which apply)
The design of buildings
Local brickwork/materials
Character of the area
Landscape setting
Open spaces
Housing density
Other (please state in free box below)
What should we be considering when designing our proposals? For example, should the housing be varied, similar in design to existing homes in Tring or distinctive and different?
The Masterplan has been designed with two village centres to create distinctive areas with particular characters and more widespread community facilities. Do you agree with this approach?
Please tell us why you chose this option?
Would you be interested in participating in our future design discussions or workshops? *if choosing yes please include your email at the top of the form
Final comments
Thank you for submitting your comments which will help us in developing the Masterplan. We are committed to engaging with the community throughout this process, but if you have any further comments at this stage please submit below.
Do you have any further comments about any aspect of the draft Masterplan for Marshcroft?
Should be Empty: