Student sponsorship application
The ACPA, ASPB, and AAFMP are sponsoring a limited number of registrations to students pursuing a career in the Chemistry, Biology, or Forestry professions. Attending the CPC3 Conference will help students establish their professional network and offer high quality professional development opportunities.
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Confirm email address
Alternate contact information (this will only be used to contact you for this application).
Are you currently registered in a post secondary program?
Select one:
I am a full-time student
I am a part-time student
Are you a pursuing a career in any of the following professions?
Professional Biologist
Professional Chemist
Forest Management Professional
What college/university are you currently registered at?
What program are you currently registered in?
Please provide a brief explanation demonstrating your professionalism
Please tell us how attending this event will benefit you.
Should be Empty: