1:1 Mentorship Application
Please take some time to fill out this application to the best of your ability. This helps me to see who is ready to lose 20, 40, 50, 100lbs. No one will read your answers except me (Kenna). This is an application for the best weight loss & nutrition mentorship on the market. You literally can't get this anywhere else right now. I will teach you how to create your dream body that is 100% catered to you! Only a select few will get a spot in the mentorship so let me know why I should choose you.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Country you Currently Reside?
United States
How long have you known me or followed me on social media?
Less than 6 months.
More than 6 months but less than a year.
Over a year.
Kenna, I'm a loyal follower. I've been following you since 2012 or close to when you started.
Age & Weight?
Do you feel like you need help?
Not sure
What is your goal? Example: Lose 60lbs, Gain Muscle? Overcome Depression? Stop Emotional Eating? Feel good in my skin? Wear a bikini for the first time? Feel confident? To prove others wrong who say I can't? Be specific. It doesn't just have to be a physical goal.
What have you tried in the past and why hasn't it worked for you? What is stopping you from reaching your goal?
How willing are you to reach your goal?
I'm satisfied with where I'm at.
I'll do anything to reach my goal.
1 is I'm satisfied with where I'm at., 10 is I'll do anything to reach my goal.
Does your spouse or significant other support you? (Meaning they will give you the thumbs up on whatever you decide)
Not Applicable
What would you expect from me as your coach if we decide to work together? What do you need most from a coach?
Take a moment and close your eyes. I want you to picture yourself at your ultimate goal weight. The goal you've been trying to reach for years and you've finally done it. You are headed out to a nice dinner to celebrate and you've bought yourself a new outfit to wear. How does this make you feel? Really be specific. We are creating visions for your future here. If we work together, I'll be helping you get closer to making this a reality each month.
How much is it worth to you emotionally and financially to get to your goal body & How will this opportunity change your life for the better? (I really want you to picture this here. Waking up and knowing you accomplished something you always struggled with. Going out to dinner and feeling confident as you walk in the room. You WILL BE at your best self after this transformation.) What is the value you place on that?
Space is VERY LIMITED I am only inviting a small number of clients to make sure you get undivided support and full attention with either me or one of my coaches. With that being said, I want to make sure this is a good fit, why do you think you would benefit from my mentorship, if invited?
I understand that if I am selected I will lose up to 40lbs and change my body, guaranteed. As long as I put in the work and stay in communication with my assigned coach. (we will talk about this on the call)
Yes! I'm so ready, I need this. I'm ready to work. Tell me what to do.
I'm not sure I can do it. But I'm open to trying my best.
No, I don't want to try. Choose someone else.
I also understand there is no obligation to join the mentorship. We will have a phone call to get to know you and your current struggles better to see if the Eating 4 Life Program can truly help you. If not, I will refer you to something else that can.
Okay, great!
If selected, there will be a $200 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot. This will be applied to the cost of the mentorship. Is this something you are able to do?
Once you submit your application you'll be taken to a screen to schedule a Free Strategy Session phone call. There is no obligation to join the program. This is where you can ask any questions to see if this program is a good fit for your lifestyle. This mentorship is on a first come first served basis. Once all of the spots are filled for the month, I will be canceling all other phone calls. So, make sure to schedule ASAP. Also, I will text you the day of your scheduled appointment to confirm your time. If I don't get reply, the call will be cancelled. I look forward to speaking with you!
I will reply to the text. I understand the call will be cancelled if I don't confirm the call time.
Would you like a Freebie while you wait? This guide will be emailed to you within 48 hours after submitting your application.
Yes, please send me 90 Meal Ideas - All Macro Calculated
No thanks, I already have that guide.
Submit Your Application!
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