Lease Termination Agreement
The "Lessee" (Your Company Name): Lessee Name (Your company name)* located at address: Write Lessee's full address (123 Street, City, State & Zip).
BETWEEN:The "Lessor" (Example Owner Operator's Full Name/ Ryder/Penske,etc): Name (Ex: Ryder Truck Rental)* located at address:Lessor's full address (123 Street, City, State & Zip)*
The undersigned hereby acknowledges the lease agreement between the Lessor and Lessee is terminated in so far as the Agreement affects the following described equipment:
Unit No:Ex 707* Year:Ex 2020* Make:Ex Freightliner*Full VIN:Ex 1FUJGLDR2HLHM7566*
Per the Agreement both parties, by the signatures affixed below, declare the lease of the equipment identified here is terminated as of: Termination Date* Lessee hereby releases possession of the above equipment and Lessor acknowledges receipt of the equipment on Termination Signed Date*
SIGNATURES"Lessee" Full Name (YOUR NAME):First & Last Names "Lessee" Title: Example: Company Owner"Lessee" Signature (YOUR SIGNATURE): Signature "Lessor" Full Name:First & Last Names "Lessor" Title: Example: Company Owner"Lessor" Signature: Signature