Adoption Application for a foster cat through FC3
Please be as specific as possible, and share as much information as you can. We take every application very seriously and reserve the right to approve or deny the application based on the responses you provide. **You will receive a follow-up email ONLY if we have approved this first step.** Thank you for your patience and understanding. Our adoption fee is $75.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Name of cat(s) you are interested in
Do you:
Live with parents
If renting, please provide landlord name and phone number
Please list names and ages of individuals living in the home
Which best describes the activity level of the home?
Busy/noisy/a lot of people in and out
Slightly busy/moderate visitors
Quiet/occasional guest
Is everyone in the household agreeable to adopting a cat?
yes, everyone is
only I'm interested
a few are ok with it
I'm not sure, I haven't asked
Tell us a little bit about the animals in your home (i.e. ages, indoor/outdoor, their demeanor, friendliness, etc.) Provide name, age, and description of each pet in the home.
Will the cat(s) be
indoor only
indoor and freely roam outdoor
indoor and confined outdoor space or harness
outdoor only
Have you had a cat declawed?
Do you plan to have your new cat(s) declawed?
Please describe what a typical day will be like for the animal(s) in your home.
Have you ever surrendered or rehomed a cat? If so, please explain the situation.
In the event you can no longer care for the cat, what will you do?
If you have to move, what will you do with the cat?
Are you prepared to pay for the proper vet care for the cat? This averages about $500 - $5000 per year for annual checkups and vaccines and unexpected injuries.
Veterinarian Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Veterinarian Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Veterinarian Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Personal Reference #1 of someone not living in the home
First Name
Last Name
Email for Personal Reference #1
Phone for Personal Reference #1
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Personal Reference #2 of someone not living in the home
First Name
Last Name
Email for Personal Reference #2
Phone number for Personal Reference #2
Please enter a valid phone number.
Tell us why you'd like to add a cat to your family at this time.
Any additional comments, or things you'd like us to know?
I acknowledge that I have completely read this questionnaire and comprehend it fully. I understand that applying does not ensure approval. I certify that the above information is correct, and I understand that the information will be verified.
I agree
I don't agree
Submit Form
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