RoundTable Authorized Dealer Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a RoundTable Authorized Dealer. Membership eligibility is determined on an individual basis. Strong professional references from within the dealer community is a strict requirement. Members must meet and maintain a high standard of ethical and financial integrity. Visit for more information.
Referral Code or person who reffered you:
Name of the person, coin show or referral code number
Tell Us About You
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Your E-mail
Confirmation Email
Your Mobile Phone
Country Code
Area Code
Phone Number
What is your mailing address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Zip Code/Postal
Have you been convicted of a felony?
If yes, please explain
Tell us about your Business.
Are you Full Time or Part Time?
Full Time
Part Time
What is your annual revenue in Numismatics?
Enter your Yearly Sales in Numismatics
What is your annual revenue in Bullion?
Enter your Yearly Sales in Bullion
What is your annual revenue in Currency?
Enter your Yearly Sales in Currency
What trade associations or networks, clubs or groups do you belong to:
Do you sell on eBay? If yes, what is your store name?
Do you trade on Instagram? If yes, what is your Insta account name?
Do you trade on Facebook? If yes, what is your Facebook Name
Give us a brief bio / or list product specialties
Tell Us About Your Company
Company Name
What is the name of your company?
Your Position
Name of the Company Owner or Principal
Federal EIN or Business License ID#
How long has your company been in business?
How many employees do you have?
Company Phone
Company Email
Company Website
What are your business hours?
If you have a store, what is the address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Zip Code
Estimated Revenue in Bullion
Estimated Annual Revenue in Currency:
Please list 4 Professional Dealer References (does not have to be a RoundTable dealer):
Dealer Name
Business Name
Phone Number
Please list 4 Dealer references; Name, Company and Phone Number
Reference 1 -Name
First Name
Last Name
Reference 1 -Company
Reference 1 -Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Reference 2 -Name
First Name
Last Name
Reference 2 -Company
Reference 2 -Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Reference 3 -Name
First Name
Last Name
Reference 3 -Company
Reference 3 -Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Reference 4 -Name
First Name
Last Name
Reference 4 -Company
Reference 4 -Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How many employees would you like to trade on your behalf?
Which of these membership options do you think best fits your business?
Gold Level, $900 per year. Allows +1 employee access to all trading platforms.
Platinum Level, $1650 per year. Allows +5 employees and tagging feature.
Should be Empty: