Rehoming request information
These details will help to find a new home to match the parrot's needs
Owners Name
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Name of parrot(s)
Age & species
Assumed Male
Assumed Female
DNA test confirmed Male
DNA test confirmed Female
How long have you had the parrot(s)
Please state where and when you got your parrot(s) [eg pet shop, from family member, a breeder, internet]
If the parrot(s) came from a pet store or a breeder please state name and location [if the parrot(s) did not come from a retailer please state n/a]
Is the parrot(s) microchipped or ringed? If yes, please provide details including number
Have they ever been kept with other birds in a home or aviary environment?
If they have been kept with other birds please state when and for how long. If no, please state n/a
If they have been kept with other birds please state whether any of those have died. If no, please state n/a
Have they been disease tested (for any of chlamydia, PBFD, Avian bornavirus)?
Please give details of any test dates/results
What is their daily routine (such as time up, time to bed, covered to sleep etc)?
How much time each day out of the cage?
What is their daily diet (include brand of seed/mix/pellets)?
Any likes/dislikes of foods (specific fruit, vegetables, treats)?
Any dietary supplements (such as calcium, vitamins)?
Grooming preferences (do they prefer showers, baths, spray mist)?
Do they play with toys, what type are favourites?
Do they fly?
Are they hand tame/do they step up?
Do they talk? If yes, please give some examples of what they say
Are they used to other animals?
Are they used to children?
Do they have any behavioural issues (such as plucking, biting)?
Registered with a vet?
General vet
Specialist avian/exotic vet
Not registered with a vet
If your bird is registered with a vet, please give details of vet below:
Do they have any health issues?
Please give details of when last health check performed/beak & nails trimmed
Will the cage be included?
Dimensions of cage (if included)
List any additional equipment included (such as avian lamp)
Any other information you think will be helpful in finding a suitable match (optional)
Please upload some clear pictures of the parrot(s) & of the cage if is included
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