K9 Kampus is primarily a Dog Daycare, Boarding, Grooming & Training facility. We do NOT employ veterinarians or veterinarian technicians. Therefore it is important to stress that although we will administer medications at your request we are NOT licensed nor trained on administering medications and we rely on the instructions we receive from the parents.
K9 Kampus recommends that you board with a Veterinarian if your furry family member requires medications that are vital to your pets health and well being.
By signing this form you hold K9 Kampus and its employees harmless for any and all issues that may arise in regards to your request to have K9 Kampus and its employees administer medication(s) to your pet(s) and you assume all risks associated with having K9 Kampus administer medications to your pet; Including but not limited to medical fees, medication refills, health issues, etc.
By signing this form you acknowledge that you have been notified that K9 Kampus does not employ Veterinarians or Veterinarian technicians to administer medications and you accept all risks associated with having non-trained/non-certified staff administer medications to your pet.
Please select the following statement that you will choose for your pets
current board stay by placing your initials next to your choice: