Endless Hope Private Foundation awards scholarships based on academeic performance, aptitude, recommendations and financial need as well as motivation, character, ability and potential.
Evidence of need must be provided for consideration.
Endless Hope Private Foundation awards scholarships for tuition assistance to include tuition and fees, course books/materials and/or room and board registration fees.
Grantees are selected on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis.
*******Endless Hope Private Foundation maintains the right to terminate assistance if students do not meet the terms described below.*******
- Have and maintain a GPA (Grade Point Average) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (**or validated equivilent if non-US institution)
- Graduate High School/Secondary School at the top 20% of their graduating class
- Demonstrate a strong extracurricular resume
- Have received scholastic honors on a national or local level (i.e. honor roll or higher; National Honor Society membership, etc.)
- Demonstrate sufficient financial need for tuition assistance
- Submit a RETURNING student application EACH SEMESTER
- Fall Deadline: August 1
- Spring Deadline: December 30