Xmas Holiday Terms & Conditions 暑期住宿安排條款
1. All xmas accommodation requests must be submitted as soon as possible and no later than 31st October 2021. An additional 10% admin fee will be applied to the application submitted between 1st November to 15th November. Any request after 15th November will not be processed 所有聖誕假期住宿申請需要儘快申請。申請限期是10月31日。如果11月1日到15日申請將會收取 10%行政費用。 所有超過11月15日的聖誕假期申請不會被接納。10月31日限期後申請不保證可以安排假期住宿或全權有Elite Anglo Chinese services 決定,家長不可異議。
2. Once requested, all payments must be paid within 1 week of the invoice. Any delays will result in accommodation being cancelled or with applicable administration fee. All accommodation requested before 31st October 2021 must be paid by 31st October 2021. All accommodation requests between 1st to 15th November must be paid within 3 days of the invoice issued. If Elite Anglo Chinese Services did not receive the full accommodation fees, will consider as accommodation voided. 賬單發出後7日內須付款並確認。如任何付款延誤都當作住宿取消或加收適當的行政費用.如10月31日前申請,需要在10月31日前付款。所有11月1-15日申請需要在3日內付款。如沒有收到全數住宿費用,將當作作廢。
3. Elite Anglo Chinese Services reserves the right to allocate accommodation on a first come first serve basis. We will allocate as according to the preferences indicated but not final. 我們保留安排所有聖誕住宿安排權利。我們會根據家長填寫的住宿選擇但保留一切最後決定權利。
3. Elite Anglo Chinese Services reserves the right to charge an additional administration fee for handling late requests and payments 我們保留權利收取因申請或付款延誤的住宿安排