Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Mid-America
Continuing Education
Report Form
Continuing Education is an important part of Ministry with the Christian Church Disciples of Christ (DOC). As a Minister with Standing in the Mid-America Region, this Continuing Education (CE) Report Form allows you to document an official record for all credit hours invested during the previous/current year (the full calendar year prior to when Standing is being renewed).
Should you have any questions about how to calculate CE credit hours, for more information on what sources or activities count, or to request a printed copy be mailed to you with a self-addressed and stamped return envelope, please contact your Ministry Associate in the Springfield Regional Office by phone at (417) 865-0850 or by email at
☆ The annual CE requirement for the Mid-America Region is a minimum of 15 total credit hours.
☆ The credit hours for each CE source will be the total number of hours invested in/spent using the source.
☆ CE credit hours can come from a variety of sources, including: Regional or Denominational Events, Clergy Cluster Gatherings, Books, Conferences, Classes or Courses, Seminars, Workshops, Trainings, Webinars, Videos, Websites, and other Media, etc.
☆ You can include sources used for Sermon preparations you may already be doing on a regular basis.
☆ Since it is beneficial to draw from a variety of sources, the Mid-America Region asks that you please document at least 9 CE credit hours from sources other than Books.
☆ For each CE source documented, please indicate which of the 16 Practices/Competencies it helped you explore. For reference, please visit:
☆ If you keep record of your CE credit hours on a separate spreadsheet or other similar document, please attach to this form.