I certify that the information which I have provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I have withheld no information or other response that would, if disclosed, affect this application unfavorably. I understand that any misleading or incorrect statements or responses may render this application void and, if employed, may result in my immediate termination regardless of the point in time at which the misleading or incorrect statement or response was discovered.
I hereby consent to and authorize the Company to use my name, image and likeness in Company sponsored publications, news releases and other public communications.
I agree to submit myself, upon request by the Company, to a physical examination by a physician or laboratory designated by the Company and to testing for the presence of alcohol and other drugs or substances by a physician or laboratory designated by the Company. I understand and agree that any positive test result, or the refusal to submit to such testing, may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of employment. I acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to inspect all vehicles, packages, cases, clothing, desks and other work spaces or any other item brought on Company property.
I further acknowledge and understand that, if I am employed, the Company has the unilateral right, at any time and for any reason, to make changes in all employment policies, employee benefits, instructions, work rules and procedures with or without notice. I further understand and agree that my employment is at will, is not for any specific term or period of time, and that the Company may take any action concerning my employment, including termination, with or without cause, with or without notice, and without further obligation to me, at the sole and absolute discretion and will of the Company. No person, other than the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, whose agreement must be in a formal writing, has the power or authority to make any oral or written representation contrary to the preceding statements or to enter into any agreement inconsistent with the preceding statements.