I hereby agree to pay my financial obligations to the school on the due date. I understand that it may be necessary to withdraw my child if proper arrangements are not made on a past due account. I understand that academic records will not be released if financial obligations are not fulfilled.
I give permission for my child to take part in all school activities, including sports and school sponsored trips away from the school premises, and absolve the school from all liability to me or my child because of any injury at school or during any school activity. In consideration of the enrollment of my child/myself at Redemption Christian Academy, I hereby release and covenant not to sue Redemption Christian Academy, its trustees, directors, officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents from any and all future claims resulting from enrollment at Redemption Christian Academy.
Redemption Christian Academy may exercise its right in any way it sees fit for its productions, for advertising and for other purposes. I hereby grant my consent to use and license the use of my child’s name and likeness, whether in still or motion pictures, photograph, or other reproduction, including voice and features, with or without name, for any editorial, promotional, trade, business or other purpose.
I will uphold and support the high academic standard of the school and encourage my child to complete homework or other assignments. I uphold the standards of the school and do not condone my child using illegal drugs, tobacco products or alcoholic beverages. I do not tolerate profanity or obscenity, dishonor to God, or disrespect to the personnel of the school in word or action. I hereby agree to support all regulations.
I acknowledge that RCA reserves the right to enforce appropriate standards of conduct and that RCA may dismiss immediately, without refund, any child who fails to comply with the established regulations.
I understand that applicants are admitted to Redemption Christian Academy only upon the expressed condition that they will remain in attendance until the end of the academic year indicated, unless suspended or dismissed. The parent or guardian agrees that in the event of such suspension or dismissal, or in the case of withdrawal, no part of the fee for tuition and room and board will be refunded or remitted and any unpaid balance for the academic term on account of such fees shall become immediately due and payable to Redemption Christian Academy. This “no refund” provision also applies to students registering for any upcoming academic year. Students who are billed on a payment plan remain obligated for the balance of the academic year. International students who are issued an I-20 will be charged a non-refundable fee for processing whether or not a visa is subsequently issued by the US Embassy.
Refund Policy: Cancellation prior to student’s scheduled start date: No refund. Withdrawal or Cancellation after student’s scheduled program start date, or expulsion due to breach of program rules: No refund or credit is issued.
Parents/Guardians of Boarding Students - I will maintain a return ticket at the school office and am fully aware of the fact that my child will be sent home promptly upon notification by an RCA staff member when any behavior by my child poses a danger or concern to himself/herself, other students, staff, or the community. In the event that I cannot be contacted, I will maintain at least three (3) other current emergency contacts in my child’s file at all times. Notification may be given to one of these contacts that my child is on the way home due to suspension or expulsion.
My signature below affirms that I have read and am in agreement with the above stated policies. In addition, I have familiarized myself with and agree to all the rules and regulations of Redemption Christian Academy.