Before you begin
What is the purpose of a pre-application meeting?
The pre-application service is provided for applicants who wish to receive initial feedback on a proposal. Pre-application meetings are intended to discuss the initial proposal, highlight potential issues, and address any questions you may have regarding the development.
Council will provide feedback to the applicant with respect to the District Plan, Wellington Water flood mapping, urban design and any other relevant aspects of the proposal.
The typical time limit for a pre-application meeting is 30mins, however a more complex proposal may need more time. Once we review the pre-application material, we will discuss our recommended meeting duration with you when we confirm the time of meeting.
Do you need a pre-application meeting?
If you're unsure a pre-application meeting is suitable for your proposal, contact the Resource Consents team via email at or give us a call on 04 570 6666.
What are the meeting expectations?
The purpose of a pre-application meeting is for Council to provide feedback on your proposal to ensure a smoother consenting process with fewer challenges. Our expectation is the form will be completed with the correct information to provide adequate context to the proposal. We ask that you arrive on time, as we can’t guarantee additional time for your meeting if it begins late.
You can expect us to come well prepared with initial thoughts and feedback, having reviewed the information and plans you’ve supplied to us. Due to the limited time available, we will be focused on providing you feedback regarding District Plan rules, relevant assessment criteria and key risk to consider.
Pre-application charge rates
All hours of the planner’s time for a pre-application meeting will be charged for. External consultants are charged at cost on an hourly basis. Additional Council involvement is charged at the following rates:
- Planner/Engineer - $255/hour
- Business Support including administration and planning technician time - $150 per hour
- Consultants charged at actual cost