Event Location/Dirección del evento: Farmers Market Dowtown Morristown located at 130 W Morris Blvd..
Hours: 5:00 pm-9:00 pm
Set up Time: 4:00 pm
SUPPLIES: Vendors must provide their own garbage cans, bags for disposal of waste, tables, chairs, tents, or anything they may need. Vendors will be under a pavillion. At the end of the Market, the rent space should be clean. If not a fee will be applied. Garbage should be taken with you. Keep in mind that electricity will not be provided.
HOLA Lakeway is not responsible for accidents resulting from food item preparation, or from offering food items for sale.
No Refunds or Cancellations
Los vendedores deben proporcionar sus propios botes de basura, bolsas de basura, mesas, sillas, carpas, etc. El evento será bajo un pabellón. Al final del mercado, el espacio de alquiler debe estar limpio. Si no se le cobrara. Debe llevarse la basura y no dejarla toda en el farmers market.
*por el momento la electricidad no sera proveida*
HOLA Lakeway no es responsable de los accidentes resultantes de la preparación de alimentos o de la oferta de alimentos para la venta.