34) Demonstrate your school's academic excellence through indicators of success. Upload a document (max 2 pages) that includes data other than AZ Merit that demonstrates significant student academic growth and/or high student achievement over time. A summary of the data should be included as part of the two-pages.
Reviewers will have your school's most recent AZ Merit scores so do NOT use this space for AZ Merit. Other data examples may include but are not limited to:
- Charts and/or graphs depicting quantitative and/or qualitative data
- Quantitative data that reflects evidence of excellence in academics (for example: Benchmark assessments, DIBELS, AP Placement, AzCCRS, etc.)
- Quantitative data from unique programs that you are highlighting in your A+ application.
- Included in the two-pages should be a summary of the data you are providing.
Note: Attendance and behavior data can be included to support overall excellence of the school but should not be the single indicator.
Note: Any attachment over two pages will be disqualified.
Note: While teacher-created assessment data can be used, it should not be the only data used to show excellence.