Desired Affiliation / Acknowledged Title
Ministry Affirmed Apostle Un-Affirmed Apostle Prophet/Prophetess Bishop
Elect-Bishop Ordained Senior Pastor
Revision Date 4/10/2018 9:19 AM
I do hereby pledge to join myself to the Unity Alliance Apostolic Fellowship International, Inc. and hereby voluntarily submit to its rules and structure. I understand that by doing so I do not surrender any of the autonomy that is characteristic of being a Christian Church or Ministry. I further pledge to offer my gifts and talents in building this family of faith and move of God.
Please Select the Applicable Application Fee
Make check or money order payable to the Rock Ministries International If paying by credit card, your signature below indicates agreement to total Application Fee due.
Mail Form To: UAAFI P.O. Box 60865 - Houston, Texas 77205